The SXYSX (Sexy-Six) program is a 6 week program with a holistic approach to resetting the body, mind and spirit from the inside out, bringing you back to your sexy "self", mindful self, inner self and outer self. This program is 6 weeks of classes: Pilates, HITT, Yoga, Mindful Meditation, Dance and Nutrition Coaching!
It is not "a one size fits all." This program is designed to meet each person's individual goals and needs and create an environment that celebrates and empowers YOUR journey. With a strong roster of instructors, classes and Coaching, WE WILL GET STRONGER and SXY TOGETHER!!

The SXYSX (sexy-six) program is a holistic approach to resetting the body, mind and spirit from the inside out, bringing you back to your sexy "self", mindful self, inner self and outer self. This program is 6 weeks of classes including Pilates, HITT, Yoga, Mindful Meditation and Dance.
There will also be a Nutrition component as nutrition is key for reseting the body and ultimately a clean and balanced diet is 80% of the work needed to achieve your fitness goals.
Our team includes Los Angeles based Pilates certified instructor, celebrity trainer and SXYSX founder Khetanya, certified Holistic Nutritionist and Health Coach Kara Griffin and several talented Performing Artists and Fitness Professionals who are thrilled to motivate and empower you to finding your new SXY self!
The program includes your choice of any combination of 6 classes (Pilates, HITT, Yoga, Dance and Mindful meditation) per week with a weekly coaching check in with Khetanya and nutrition reset and weekly Nutrition coaching check in with Kara Griffin for $69.00 per week.
This program is not designed for a one size fits all. This program is designed to meet each person's individual goals and create an environment that celebrates and empowers your journey.
Because in the end, WE GET STRONGER TOGETHER!!
Have you completed SXYSX LVL1? Want more?
This program offers everything from LVL1 and more. In addition to unlimited live workout classes, library of on-demand videos, private 1 on 1 private training and Nutrition Coaching, there are meal plans made specifically for you as well and a semi private group class tailored to your needs.
This Level has Limited Space Available.
Congratulations! You have completed both LVL1 and LVL2!
Let's get even more personal and specific. LVL3 you can expect an even more detailed personal training session and an opportunity to dive deeper in your nutrition journey. You have come this far, why stop now!? Let's get it!
This Level has Limited Space Available.

I, agree that by signing up for the SXYSX program for either LVL 1 or LVL 2, I am agreeing to pay 6 auto-payments in the amount of $69.00 in exchange for services offered under the description of SXYSX 6 Week Program. These services include, unlimited weekly classes, 1 (30 minute) weekly private session, and Nutrition Coaching. All auto-pays will expire upon completion of the program and all auto pays are paid and completed.